Best Zombie/Horror anime

Best Zombie/Horror Anime

list of zombie apocalpse and horror anime 

1. High School of Dead

Episodes: 12  , seasons - 1

This anime shows the struggle for survival of a group of high school students in chaos , where whole world is taken over by UNDEAD . It is beautifully presented and horrific.

2.kore wa Zombie desu ka 

Episodes: 12  , seasons- 2

Our MC was revived as a zombie , reminder he is not a brain eating type. His life goes upside down. this anime brings a creative and exciting plot .It is not creepy in any way , it is hillarious and entertaining.

 3. Zombie loan

Episodes: 11 , seasons-1

Quite a unique plot and little more paced .U can call this zombie hunts zombie anime.It's a fun anime to watch but i didn't liked the art style .First 2-3 episodes are not so good as the story follows it gets better

4. Sunday without God

Episodes : 12 , seasons - 1 

Story of a world where god exist but decided to abanddon it. World where no one can die or born .Very unique plot , where humans tries to find the purpose of their life.

5.Tokyo ghoul 

Episodes : 12 , seasons - 3

It's not zombie but something like that ghoul who have to eat human meat to live and society knows that.It is mainly focused on a boy kaneki ken who is not fully ghoul and not fully human .This anime has really great animation .It's a must watch anime for anime fans.

tags : #zombie anime #anime #zombie #horror #high school of dead #tokyo ghoul #kore wa zombie desu ka #zombie loan #sunday without god

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